Sebastian Stan to play Luke Skywalker if Mark Hamill asks


Sebastian Stan (Robin Marchant / Getty Images), Mark Hamill (Paul Thuaban / Keystone / Hulton Archive / Getty Images)

Sebastian Stan (Robin Marchant / Getty Images), Mark Hamill (Paul Thuaban / Keystone / Hulton Archive / Getty Images)
Picture: The AV club

A healthy part of the internet is built around discussions of fan casting, as humanity can both complain about the glut of sequels, remakes, adaptations. and say how cool it would be if Famous Person X played the famous fictional character Y. It’s rarely worth anything (Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool doesn’t count, since he was the fan who made it), but it doesn’t matter. never stopped the internet from trying to get something going.

The latest internet fan-casting dream – even calling it a “rumor” is deeply generous – is that Sebastian Stan (currently on Disney + screens as Bucky Barnes on The Falcon and the Winter Soldier) should play young Luke Skywalker in… something. Maybe a remake of Star Wars: A New Hope, because almost nothing else would make sense? Either way, this relies entirely on Stan looking a bit like Mark Hamill, even though his overall vibe is a bit colder than Hamill’s as a young man, but anyway, it apparently did. generated enough internet buzz that Stan must have responded to fan-casting wish on a recent Hello america appearance (Going through Hollywood journalist).

Stan seems a little excited about the whole idea, maybe because he likes how that Disney money is spending and knows he could. much more entering a Star wars, but he says there’s only one way to look at playing Luke Skywalker: “If Mark Hamill called me personally to tell me that he feels inclined to share this role with me, then I’ll believe it, ”Stan said, adding,“ Until then, I won’t believe it.

Is he just trying to get a personal phone call from the real Luke Skywalker? Yeah maybe. Is not it? Really, we’re starting to feel like we might not be doing our laundry or washing the dishes until we get a personal phone call from Mark Hamill.


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