See Meghan Markle, Prince Harry and Archie Christmas card 2020


The Sussexes have finally revealed their 2020 Christmas wishes, and the card couldn’t be sweeter. The holiday post, which includes an illustration of Harry, Meghan, Archie and two puppies in front of what appears to be a small cottage, was shared by Mayhew Animal Welfare Charity on social media this afternoon.

According to a spokesman for the Sussexes, “The original photo of the family was taken at their home earlier this month by the Duchess’s mother. The small Christmas tree, including homemade ornaments and other decorations, has been selected by Archie, and the tree will be replanted after the holidays.

On Twitter, Mayhew noted that they were “thrilled” to receive Christmas greetings from their boss Meghan, and shared that the card included confirmation that the Sussexes had made a number of personal charitable donations this year, including one to Mayhew.

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“This year, as a family, we have donated to several charities with you in mind. From a local California organization that helps families get out of homelessness, to two of our UK patronages: one supporting animal and community welfare, and the other, a memorial fund for a dear friend who helps educate children and fight poverty in Uganda, we have honored their work on behalf of all of us, ”read the map, by the charity.

In a link on their website, Mayhew also specifically noted that Meghan’s donation will help them “overcome the continuing impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and allow us to reach animals and people in need.”

the royal family goes to church on christmas day

Harry and Meghan alongside William and Kate at Sandringham on Christmas 2018.

Samir husseinGetty Images

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are spending their first Christmas together in the United States, having celebrated the holidays just twice in Sandringham with the Royal Family, in 2017 and 2018, and in Canada last year. (The couple spent time in the Commonwealth country in late fall and winter 2019, before announcing their intention to step down from their royal roles in early 2020.)

But it’s not just Meghan, Harry and Archie who are having a very different Christmas this year. Amid the pandemic, the entire royal family has revamped their traditional plans, which typically see them spending the holidays at the Sandringham Estate and attending Christmas Day services at the Estate Church as a group – an annual event for the dedicated royal watchers, who line up along the path to the church to wish the Windsors good luck.

Instead, Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip will stay at Windsor Castle this winter. As a spokesperson for Buckingham Palace said T&C earlier this season, “After considering all the relevant advice, the Queen and The Duke of Edinburgh have decided that this year they will spend Christmas in Windsor quietly.” It is the first time since 1988 that the monarch will not celebrate the holidays at Sandringham.

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