Sekiro 'easy mode' and other graphic options come on PC with a mod


A mod created by the player for the PC version of Sekiro: the shadows are dying twice adds an impressive variety of graphic options to the game and even includes settings that allow you to create your own version of an "easy mode".

Getting the operational module is a breeze, as long as you manipulate your graphics settings in general. Here is the basic version of the configuration that you will have to do if you have an Nvidia card, and if these sentences are confusing, you may want to wait longer:

Use the Nvidia Control Panel to set 'Vsync' to 'Off' and 'Preferred Refresh Mode' to 'Highest Available' on a Sekiro profile. Fix the problems: delete the profile Sekiro (predefined), add a new profile indicating the complete path to the file sekiro.exe and try again. If the preferred refresh is missing or the game is still locked at 60 fps, refer to the guide later in the Nvidia Profile Inspector.

The Nexus Mods list also includes detailed, step-by-step instructions with pictures, if you're surprised, but I found that the setup was relatively simple. And that frees an abundance of riches. Check out the mod interface below:


The mod allows you to force any custom resolution that your monitor can handle natively, while allowing you to adjust the field of view of the game if you find the standard setting too restrictive. You can also switch to a mode that displays your number of deaths and deaths on the screen if you use OBS to stream or capture video, a convenient tool for those who wish to share their knowledge with their audience.

These features would already make the mod interesting, but the real magic comes from the ability to adjust the speed of the game and the player. If you want help while fighting a boss, slow down while increasing your speed. Suddenly, everything moves in slow motion, except you.

As shown in the clip below, each of these options can be adjusted on the fly, without restarting your game. So, if you want to slow down a single enemy to overcome a difficult fight, you can do it, then bring the game back at full speed.

I was able to run the mod on my own machine without much hassle, and all the options worked as described. I have not been able to test it for more than 10 minutes, so it is always best to proceed at your own risk.

It's a solid solution for anyone who wants an easy way to Sekiro, without angering people who think that FromSoftware adds such a thing, it would be heresy. Or you can completely ignore the speed settings and simply enjoy the game with a wider field of view.

The question now is whether FromSoftware can do anything to prevent the mod from working. "The memory of the patch set, does not modify any game file", indicates the description of the mod, "works with all game versions, should work with all future updates."


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