Selena Gomez fans slam ‘Saved by the Bell’ reboot


“Respect Selena Gomez” was all the rage on Twitter Saturday as fans warned Peacock’s new “Saved by the Bell” reboot over references to the actor and singer’s kidney transplant.

Despite Gomez’s public statement that she received a transplant from her close friend, actor Francia Raísa, a scene from episode six of the series features two Bayside High students speculating on the identity of the donor.

“I know for a fact that Selena Gomez’s kidney donor was Justin Bieber’s mother. God, I wish I had my phone so I could prove it, ”says one student. “Prove what?” the other answers. “That you are an idiot?” It was Demi Lovato’s kidney. They are best friends, like you and me.

In another scene, there appears to be graffiti on a wall that reads, “Does Selena Gomez even have a kidney?”

Peacock, NBCUniversal and the show’s executive producers apologized for the references in a statement to Variety.

“We apologize. We never intended to shed light on Selena’s health. We have been in contact with her team and will be donating to her charity, the Selena Gomez Fund for Lupus Research at USC, ”the statement read.

Representatives for Gomez did not immediately respond Varietyrequest for comment from.

The synopsis for episode six is ​​that the students at Bayside High had their phones taken away and therefore have no immediate source to confirm the validity of their pop culture talks.

In 2017, Gomez revealed that she had undergone a kidney transplant due to her diagnosis of lupus, which she made public in 2015 and for which she was previously undergoing chemotherapy. In 2016, she stepped out of the limelight due to mental health issues related to her diagnosis. Gomez has previously said she wants to come forward with her illness to raise awareness about the autoimmune disease and become an advocate.

Read what some Selena Gomez fans are saying on Twitter below.


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