Senate Democrats berate their GOP colleagues for saying they will oppose Electoral College results


Senate Democrats have slammed their GOP colleagues after a group of 11 Republicans announced they would oppose the Electoral College’s results during the congressional meeting on Wednesday.

A number of Democrats said the group, which includes Republican Senses. Ted cruzRafael (Ted) Edward Cruz Congress overrides Trump’s veto for the first time Hawley GOP jam with Electoral College Hawley fight to challenge Electoral College results in Senate MORE (Texas), Ron JohnsonRonald (Ron) Harold Johnson Seven Senate races to watch in 2022 Hawley GOP jam with Electoral College GOP Senator says he will block consent for, 000 stimulus checks MORE (Wis.), James lankford (Ok so.), Steve daines (Mountain.), John kennedy (The.) And Marsha blackburn (Tenn.) Undermines the electoral process by committing to vote against accepting election results until there is a 10-day audit.

Congress will meet for a joint session on Wednesday to certify the tally of the Electoral College, which concluded that the president-elect Joe bidenJoe BidenTrump calls Georgia Senate runoff ‘both illegal and invalid’ in New Years tweets Judge dismisses Gohmert’s election lawsuit against Pence Former GOP senator suggests forming new party and calls Trump the ‘master of Republicans’ the winner of the White House race.

“Joe Biden will be inaugurated on January 20, and no publicity stunt will change that,” the senator said. Amy KlobucharAmy Klobuchar The Memo: Toxic divide widened in 2020 Hawley to challenge Senate constituency results 7 surprise moments in a tumultuous year in politics MORE (D-Minn.) Said in a statement released on Saturday.

“For a group of my fellow Republicans, saying they want an additional federal ‘commission’ to replace state certifications when votes have already been counted, recounted, contested and state certified is nothing. more than an attempt to subvert the will of the voters, ”she added.

“This pathetic and opportunistic stunt is an attack on our democracy. It is anti-American and unacceptable. The votes were counted, recounted, certified and all the challenges were totally discredited. It’s time to rule and get things done, ”added Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.).

The accusations are aimed at GOP senators who announced on Saturday that they would reject the electoral college results so that a panel can investigate allegations of electoral fraud.

President TrumpDonald Trump Trump calls Georgia Senate second round ‘both illegal and invalid’ in New Year’s tweets Judge dismisses Gohmert’s election lawsuit against Pence Former GOP senator suggests forming new party and calls Trump the Republicans’ “ master of the track ” MOREThe campaign and Republican allies have repeatedly said the 2020 election was marred by widespread electoral fraud. However, US election officials as well as the former attorney general William barrLawmaker Bill BarrGOP criticizes Trump and colleagues for ‘trying to discredit’ election Microsoft says hackers saw source code in SolarWinds attack Biden calls for upgrading US defenses after massive hack MORE said there was no evidence of widespread electoral fraud.

After the 2020 election, the president’s campaign and some GOP lawmakers launched legal battles in several battlefield states, but the majority of them failed.

“Congress should immediately appoint an electoral commission, with full investigative and investigative authority, to conduct a 10-day emergency audit of election results in contested states,” GOP senators said. “Once completed, individual states would assess the Commission’s findings and could convene a special legislative session to certify a change in their vote, if necessary.”

The 11 elected senators and senators will join the senator. Josh hawleyJoshua (Josh) David Hawley Former GOP senator suggests forming new party, calls Trump Republicans ‘track master’ Georgia keeps Senate agenda in limbo Frustrations erupt as 000 checks blocked for the fourth consecutive day PLUS (R-Mo.), Who has previously said he would oppose the Electoral College’s results over concerns over allegations of voter fraud.

The challenge is almost certain to fail in the Democratic-controlled House and Senate, where 48 Democrats and several Republicans are expected to speak out against these efforts.

Still, Democrats have accused their GOP counterparts of trying to undermine the democratic process.

“I seduced because I was up for re-election ‘is a hell of a thing to explain to your grandchildren,” Sen tweeted. Brian darlingBrian Emanuel Schatz Fighting Federal Reserve Powers Delaying Year-End Deal Texas GOP Chairman Announces Secession From ‘Law-Abiding States’ After Supreme Court Defeat Of Antitrust, Moderation content to dominate technology policy in 2021 PLUS (D-Hawaii).

“It is a sad and tragic day for our country that 140 members of the House of Representatives, 13 senators and a defeated president attempt to undermine American democracy and our Constitution,” said the senator. Bernie sandersBernie Sanders Frustrations erupt as 000 checks blocked for fourth day in a row David Sirota: Democrats shed their weight by forcing vote on 000 checks Bill to increase checks to K blocked for third day in Senate MORE (I-Vt.) Added. “They will not succeed.”

Members of the Republican leadership such as the Senate Majority Leader Mitch mcconnellAddison (Mitch) Mitchell McConnell Georgia keeps Senate agenda in limbo Frustrations erupt as, 000 checks blocked for fourth day in a row Graham bucks McConnell: 000 “not socialism” payments (Ky.) And majority whip in the Senate John ThuneJohn Randolph Thune Georgia keeps Senate agenda in limbo Frustration erupts as, 000 checks blocked for fourth day in a row, Trump calls Noem again to Thune’s primary despite his refusal. (SD) urged their colleagues to refrain from challenging the Electoral College’s results.

Following the news from his fellow Republicans, Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer tweeted: “Joe Biden and Kamala harrisKamala Harris People are fed up – and to fix it don’t count Joe Biden outside of 2021: what worries me about seven Senate races to watch in 2022 MORE will be President and Vice President of the United States in 18 days. ”


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