Senator Grassley congratulates the Korean American judge on her work ethic. Asian Americans say even mild stereotypes are divisive. – The Washington Post


  1. Senator Grassley congratulates the Korean American judge on her work ethic. Asian Americans say even mild stereotypes are divisive.The Washington Post
  2. Chuck Grassley Congratulates Korean-American Judicial Candidate: “Your People” Have a Good Work EthicThe HuffPost
  3. Senator Chuck Grassley praises US-Korean judicial candidate for ‘your people’, ‘work ethic’NBC News
  4. Grassley Congratulates US-Korean Judicial Candidate for ‘You and Your People’s’ ‘Hard Work Ethic’ | The hillThe hill
  5. Chuck Grassley awkwardly tells US-Korean judge that ‘you and your people’ should be proud of ‘hard work ethic’Raw story
  6. See full coverage on Google News


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