Senator Josh Hawley’s book canceled by publisher citing ‘deadly insurgency’ on Capitol Hill


“After witnessing the disturbing and deadly insurgency that took place in Washington, DC on Wednesday, Simon & Schuster has decided to cancel the publication of Senator Josh Hawley’s next book,” the company said in a statement.

“We did not take this decision lightly,” added Simon & Schuster. “As publisher, our mission will always be to amplify a variety of voices and viewpoints: at the same time, we take seriously our broader public responsibility as citizens and cannot support Senator Hawley afterwards. its role in what has become a dangerous threat to our democracy. and freedom. “

A spokesperson for Hawley did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Hawley’s next book, titled “The Tyranny of Big Tech”, was due for publication in June 2021. In the book, Hawley was prepared to argue that big tech companies “pose the greatest threat to American freedom since the monopolies. of the Golden Age, “according to a description posted on the Simon & Schuster website.

Four people died on Wednesday when supporters of President Donald Trump, angry after being lied about the theft of the election, stormed Capitol Hill and forced a temporary halt to congressional proceedings for certify election results.

Hawley, acclaimed by Trump, had been one of the main Republican senators to oppose the largely ceremonial debates.

Following the restoration of order on the Capitol on Wednesday and following some Republican objections, Congress early Thursday morning finally certified Biden as the winner of the 2020 presidential election.


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