Senator Lindsey Graham tested positive for COVID-19, says she is “happy to have been vaccinated”


Washington – Senator Lindsey Graham, a Republican from South Carolina, said on Monday he had tested positive for COVID-19[female[feminine after being vaccinated. He added that his symptoms would likely be worse if he hadn’t received his vaccine yet.

Graham said in a statement he started experiencing flu-like symptoms on Saturday night and visited the doctor on Monday morning. The House doctor then told him he had tested positive for the coronavirus, the South Carolina senator said.

“I feel like I have a sinus infection and right now I have mild symptoms. I will be in quarantine for 10 days,” Graham said. “I am very happy that I was vaccinated because without the vaccination I am sure I would not feel as well as I do today. My symptoms would be much worse.”

The senator received his coronavirus vaccine in December, when it began to be administered to members of Congress.

Graham is a member of a larger bipartisan group of senators who worked on the development of the infrastructure framework. The bipartisan group of senators presented the infrastructure bill on Sunday evening. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said Sunday evening that the Senate would consider amendments to the legislation in hopes of passing it “in a few days”.

Graham attended a party that Democratic Senator Joe Manchin, another key member of the bipartisan group, launched on his barge over the weekend, according to a source familiar with the matter. Manchin’s spokesperson said he would follow guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention after being exposed, and said the senator was also fully vaccinated.

Democratic Senators Mark Kelly and Jacky Rosen were also in attendance. Both senators are fully vaccinated, and spokespersons for both said they would follow CDC guidelines and advice from the attending physician’s office.

A spokesman for Republican Senator John Thune of South Dakota, who is also fully vaccinated, said that after learning Graham had tested positive he followed “appropriate recommendations,” including getting tested himself. same. Thune tested negative for COVID-19, the spokesperson said.

As coronavirus cases and hospitalizations have increased due to the highly contagious Delta variant, public health officials argue that vaccines provide solid protection against serious illnesses due to COVID-19 and death. Almost everyone hospitalized with COVID-19 is not vaccinated.

A study released Friday by the Kaiser Family Foundation found that the rate of reported breakthrough cases among those who are fully vaccinated is less than 1% in states that report such data.

Asked about the news of Graham’s positive test, White House press secretary Jen Psaki said the evidence overwhelmingly showed that “revolutionary infections are rare and mild.”

“We certainly hope that Senator Graham will recover quickly and show mild symptoms, and we wish him the best possible health,” she said.

– Alan He of CBS News contributed to this report.


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