(09 Photos): Discover 9 human qualities of Ronaldo outside the lawns


A football pro, a billionaire, a playboy and a philanthropist. A wonderful combination. It's not a cartoon superhero we're talking about, it's real. A person who does good deeds and has a passionate soul

We present to you 9 significant gestures of the young 'superhero' Cristiano Ronaldo

1. He regularly gives blood.
 a-24 Here are nine reasons that will make you love Ronaldo in addition to his great qualities in football!
He gives blood and blood plasma for 4 years now. Moreover, that's why he does not have a tattoo: you can donate blood only 6-12 months after a tattoo.

2. He devotes much of his time to charity.
 b-28 Here are nine reasons you will love Ronaldo in addition to his great qualities in football!
Although Cristiano does not do it in fanfares, journalists always find out when he gives big money for the surgeries of young fans, the reconstruction of destroyed houses or the sponsorship of hospitals.

3. He never forgets his old friends …
 c-30 Here are nine reasons that will make you love Ronaldo in addition to his great qualities in football!
He regularly visits his old friends and loves to give them gifts. For example, in recognition of their friendship, Cristiano presented to Albert Fantrau a huge manor house to have paved the way for a professional career in football.

4. He loves his family
 d-21 Here are nine reasons you will love Ronaldo in addition to his great qualities in football!
His popularity and bank accounts have not influenced any of Cristiano's core values: family is the most important thing. He prefers to spend his holidays with his large, noisy and loving family

5. He communicates easily and openly with his fans
 e-23 Here are nine reasons that will make you love Ronaldo in addition to his great qualities in football!
Even when he was late for the 2018 FIFA World Cup, he found the time to leave the bus and comfort a crying young fan. He hugged the boy and gave him his autograph

6. He can laugh at himself.
 f-22 Here are nine reasons that will make you love Ronaldo in addition to his great qualities in football!
Cristiano Ronaldo has a great sense of humor. It was so hilarious when he dressed like a homeless man and spent an hour playing football in the streets of Madrid. He talked to strangers, asked the women their phone number, told them jokes and appreciated the moment of being unrecognizable.

7. He loves football more than money.
 g-17 Here are nine reasons you'll love Ronaldo in addition to his great football skills!
Cristiano Ronaldo loves football more than anything and is ready to play football even without getting paid. After Real Madrid won the Champions League, he gave his entire salary to charity. It was, by the way, more than half a million euros.

8. He does not hesitate to express his feelings
 h-18 Here are nine reasons that will make you love Ronaldo in addition to his great qualities in football!
Cristiano is a strong, confident and very sensitive person. Knowing a wide range of feelings, he is not afraid to express them in public. Whether positive or negative, he cries, laughs and celebrates with the same passion

9. He is always ready to help.
 i-18 Here are nine reasons that will make you love Ronaldo in addition to his great qualities in football!

A strong but very touching act – Cristiano helped Edison Cavani get off the pitch after his injury. This player determined the fate of the Portuguese team at the 2018 FIFA World Cup. Cristiano remained calm and helped another skilled player with dignity and respect.

Malick Dabo / Senegal7

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