15,000 delegates expected at the investiture of Macky Sall


"Fifteen thousand delegates from the 14 regions of Senegal, activists from the diaspora, heads of state and government, among others, are expected to inaugurate Macky Sall on 1 December 2018 in Dakar Arena (Diamniadio)", said Mr. Guèye in particular.

Speaking at a press conference, Seydou Guèye, who is also a government spokesman, said the inaugural congress of Macky Sall, coalition candidate Benno Bokk Yakaar, "is the meeting between a man and the militant force committed to his side, to ensure a brilliant re-election and allow him to continue his work for the exclusive benefit of the Senegalese.

"Whether it's Benno Bokk Yakaar, the victorious coalition in all the electoral events since 2012 or the new overall dynamic driven by the grand coalition of the presidential majority of men and women who have appreciated qualitatively the political offer of President Macky Sall and the terms of his balance sheet at the head of Senegal since April 02, 2012, "he said.

Allied political parties, including the Socialist Party (Ps) and the Alliance of Progressive Forces (AFP) led respectively by Ousmane Tanor Dieng, President of the High Council of Territorial Communities (Hcct) and Moustapha Niasse, President of the National Assembly , have already officially invested President Macky Sall.


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