19 July 1927 – 19 July 2018: 91 years ago, we left Sheikh Ahmadou Bamba Mbacké!


91 years ago to the day that the founder of Mouridism left this world. Indeed, Sheikh Ahmadou Bamba Mbacké was recalled to God on July 19, 1927 in Diourbel.

His disappearance occurred, according to Toubamontel, during this day of Tuesday when the eldest son and future successor of the Sheikh, Serigne Mouhamadou Moustapha Mbacke and his uncle Cheikh Balla MBACKE discovered the holy man lying on the sand of a hut in his compound where he liked to retire. Sheikh Moustapha then displayed this virtue of lucidity and temperance, which would also mark his Caliphate, organizing in absolute discretion his burial in Touba, in accordance with the wishes of the deceased.

According to the source, the colonial administration, reluctant to this burial at Touba, which was likely to favor the rise of the Mouridiyah by transferring its nucleus out of Diourbel, seemed overwhelmed by the precipitation of events. Once informed, however, she intervened by putting under seal the patrimony of the deceased and by appointing a commission in charge of its surveillance.

History of the Sheikh by Wikipedia

Born in Mbacké-Baol, city founded by its rear grandfather Maharame Mbacké in the kingdom of Baol, son of the marabout of the brotherhood of the Qadiriyya – the oldest in Senegal – Mame Momar Anta Sali Mbacké, and Mame Diarra Bousso, Ahmadou Bamba is an ascetic and mystic Sufi Muslim who wrote on tawhid, fiqh and tassawouf as well as grammar. He is also the author of many fatwas in Senegal and Mauritania (notably on Islamic theology and the recitation of the Koran). The greater part of his written work is mystical and devoted mainly to the glorification of God, prayers and eulogies on the Prophet Muhammad.

He successfully preaches peace and promises salvation to his followers who would have complied with his recommendations that are those of God and his prophet in Islam. He founded the town of Touba (Senegal) in 1887. Several religious guides who saw their followers join Cheikh Ahmadou Bamba then sought to arouse the distrust of the settlers against him by lending him intentions of jihad. He was summoned by the colonial authorities, who made him stay in a cell in Saint-Louis, seat of the governor of French West Africa (AOF), before sending him into exile, in 1895, in Gabon. His brother Mame Thierno Birahim Mbacké compensates for his absence from his family and the Mouride community. The colonial administration then justifies its decision by stating: "It is clear from the report that we could meet against Ahmadou Bamba no fact of preaching holy war, but his attitude, his actions, and especially those of his principal students are in all suspicious points. "

He returned to Dakar in 1902, after 7 years and 9 months of exile in Gabon in the equatorial forest, and was acclaimed by the crowd when many thought he had died there. The colonial administration tried again to stop him, sending skirmishers and spahis, but his followers ( talibé ) protect him. He was finally arrested the following year (1903) and brought to Mauritania for four years.

After 1910, the French authorities realized that Sheikh Ahmadou Bamba did not want war. Serigne Touba refused the Legion of Honor, which the colonial authority decreed, thus turning away from worldly honors. His movement gained momentum in 1926 when the construction of the Great Mosque of Touba, where he was buried, began. His tomb is a place of pilgrimage. After his reminder to God, the community will organize around his eldest son.

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