20 minutes – Facebook: Under-represented blacks


A former Facebook employee said on Tuesday that Black people were underrepresented in the social network, saying they were subject to critical remarks and behavior by other employees.

Mark Luckie, himself a black, made public Tuesday on his Facebook page a message that he sent on November 8 all employees of the social network around the world, the day before leaving his position as strategic partner manager. Facebook has a problem with blacks, he writes, saying they are marginalized.

The world's first social network was not immediately available to answer these accusations.

Mark Luckie, who does not explain the reasons for his departure, says that black employees say, for example: I did not know black people were working at Facebook. He also cites the example of employees who have been approached more aggressively than necessary by campus security. However, he says that the number of black employees has doubled, from 2% of the workforce in 2016 to 4% in 2018.

Sweeping charges

Carl Smith, also posing as a black Facebook employee, brushed off Mark Luckie's accusations. Mr. Luckie does not speak on behalf of us all. Ironically, Mark and I started the same day at Facebook. I am still there, he wrote in a post message on his Facebook page.

He insures Black Lives Matter t-shirts at his workplace, in reference to the movement that began after a long series of police burrs, often involving white agents against black men. And I feel very comfortable doing it, he added.

A report on the diversity published in July confirms this figure of 4%, noting that the number of black employees amounts to 8% in sales activities. But we continue to have difficulty recruiting blacks and Hispanics into technical and coaching jobs, acknowledged Diversity Officer Maxine Williams.

(Nxp / afp)

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