20 years CGF Bourse: "Good luck Mozart"


Emanate Gray of the scholarship in Senegal and in the community space, Gabriel Fal was congratulated by all his friends and collaborators for all his work on the sidelines of the ceremony of 20 years of his company. management and intermediation CGF Bourse. 20 years in which CGF Bourse accompanied the State of Senegal in its efforts for short, medium and long-term fundraising in the regional financial market. But also other states of the Union, companies and individuals in the management of their portfolio. "It is a great pride for us today to celebrate our 20 years with all these achievements that were not made alone, because we are actively involved in a market where we often work in a placement syndicate so all operations structured at home, are also placed with all the players in the financial market. So we are delighted to celebrate our 20th anniversary with the President of the Regional Real Estate Value Bursary who was kind enough to attend the event, the President of the Regional Council of Public Savings and Financial Markets, also the President of the Minister of the Economy of the finances and the plan ", said Marie Odille Kantoussan Séne General Director, CGF-Bourse

She returned on the course of the company which does not stop only with the borders of the countries of the zone WAMU, but beyond as in Chad where CGF Bourse had to advise this State for certain operations. A magnificent work that made Pierre Goudiaby Atepa say that we just have to wish Gabriel Fal, the initiator of all this a long life. "Good luck Mozart. We pray that in 20 or 30 years we will still be celebrating the success of CGF Bourse, "he said.

Principal concerned Gabriel Fal has emphasized his pride in having driven so far, this adventure and promised to do its best to sustain what has become an institution in the sub-region. Thus, the 5 stars rating made by the Wara Agency is a new challenge for all employees of CGF Bourse, because it requires working tirelessly to keep this maximum score. We recognize Gabriel Fal is his sense of rigor. Happy Birthday CGF Bourse!

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