2018, the best organized World Cup "of all time"?


Several countries were considering a boycott. British MPs publicly regretted that the World Cup is taking place "in a country with a poor record of human rights". In BBC video reports, masked hooligans promised a "festival of violence" … But as we approach the end of the World Cup, two days before the final between France and Croatia, the fears associated with the Russian organization seem far away. (Very) marginal overflows, delighted fans and Russia conquered by football … The no-fault Moscow has told Friday to FIFA President Gianni Infantino, the 2018 edition was "the best of all time." Europe 1 takes stock


The main fear lay in the hooligan threat, fueled by images of squads of Russian fans attacking English fans at Euro 2016 in Marseille. To overcome any spillover in Russia, the dreaded security services (FSB) announced the color several months before the start of the competition, stopping several hooligans. Others, subjected to interrogations during night searches, were summoned to choose: to disappear the time of the Mondial, or to risk years of prison at the first misstep.

For foreigners a system of "Fan ID", kind of supporters passport, necessary to enter the stadiums, was set up. Issued after verifications, it has allowed to remove, for example, people who have already been banned stadium in their country. As a result, international television has so far essentially filmed images of a good-natured party at the foot of the Kremlin, animated by supporters from Latin America.

Some incidents have taken place, as when Argentine supporters violently took it from a Croatian in the grounds of the Nizhny Novgorod stadium. But they were quickly identified and deported from Russia while Argentina was sentenced to pay a fine. Another noteworthy fact is that three English fans have been expelled for singing an anti-Semitic chant in a Volgograd pub.

Organization side

Reception in each city, bilingual and accessible police, free transport … Russia had anticipated the reception of tourists in every detail. The assessment is positive: "all the foreign fans who made the trip to Russia are delighted with the reception that is reserved for them," said researcher Pascal Boniface on the site of Iris. "And with stadiums that are beautiful, Russia gives the image of a functioning country, a modern country, which is at the time of this rendezvous."

Russian domestic policy, however, The day of the opening of the World Cup, Vladimir Putin announced a reform of the pension system, increasing the working time of eight years for women and five years for men. A petition demanding the abandonment of the measure has gathered 2.6 million signatures and several thousand Russians have demonstrated in the streets … But these actions have spared the host cities of the World Cup, where apply restrictions of circulation the time of the competition. They have also not been filmed by Russian public television.

"Many stereotypes about Russia have shattered" thanks to the World Cup, for its part estimated Russian President Vladimir Putin during a meeting with the leaders of FIFA and former footballers, early July. "We all fell in love with Russia," added Gianni Infantino.

The bonus: sporty side

And the Russians were able to participate in the party: to everyone's surprise, the national team managed to qualify for the quarter-finals by beating Spain. A feat more reached since 1970, in the jersey of the USSR. Proof that the nation has become a "real football country", as Gianni Infantino thinks? Perhaps, but without positive consequences for Vladimir Putin within his own country. Asked about politicians they trust, less than half of Russians (48%) quoted Vladimir Putin, a drop of 12 points in a month and unheard since the annexation of Crimea in 2014, according to a study published Tuesday by the independent institute Levada.

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