2018 World Cup. A surfer wants to reconcile Belgians and French with hashtags


A twitto went on a campaign this Friday to end the Belgian-French riots that have plagued social networks since the semi-final of the World Cup with the hashtags #AdopteUnBelge # AdopteUnFrançais.

Days go by and the Franco-Belgian friendship continues to disintegrate. At least on social networks. In order to put an end to this tragedy, a Belgian, Mateusz Kukula, published a note "No, we do not have all the seum", relayed this Friday on social networks with the hashtags # AdopteUnFrançais and #AdopteUnBelge. [19659003AweekafterthevictoryoftheBluesattheWorldCupsocialnetworksarestillinflamedagainsttheBelgiansAftertheFrance-Belgiumsemi-finaltheRedDevilsplayersliketheirgoalkeeperThibaultCourtoishaddistinguishedthemselveswithvirulentremarksagainsttheFranceteamJudgedbadloserstheyhadsufferedmanycriticismsonTwitterLastreplacetheword"seum"bytheBelgianflag

A joke not to everyone's taste. Very active on social networks, Mateusz Kukula launched the hashtags # AdopteUnFrançais and #AdopteUnBelge, for "to finish on a positive note". "I launched this in response to the French media who relayed this bad joke. In Belgium, we did not find it very cool and it's time for it to stop ", says Mateusz Kukula

To give a positive message

In his post, he states: finished respectively 1st and 3rd of the World Cup, we will not tear when we should all be thrilled. No, no one has the singer, neither Thibaut Courtois nor Hugo Lloris. And to put a stop, he recommends to find a French pair if you are Belgian and vice versa to form a Franco-Belgian couple and take a picture accompanied by a positive message to reaffirm the friendship Franco-Belgian. Finally, add the hashtags #AdopteUnBelge #AdopteUnFrancais and share it all.

"It's a way to make the silent positive mass talk", adds the interested party. "I work with a lot of French people in Brussels. We had a lot of fun at the World Cup, this rivalry of neighboring countries but no animosity " he says.

A campaign that is a great success. On the networks, hundreds of photos have already been published.

Even the City of Brussels has decided to play the game by tweeting "@Paris, do you want to adopt me?

Fervent defender of Franco-Belgian friendship, Mateusz Kukula had already made the links between the two nations prevail two years ago. With his office colleague Théo, they had successfully launched the #AdopteUnBelge operation during the French Euro. Hundreds of Belgians had been warmly welcomed by Lilleers for the match between the Red Devils in Wales. That day, despite the defeat, Mateusz Kukula had one thing in mind, "the unflinching agreement" of both peoples.

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