2018 World Cup – Brazil: Infantino defends Neymar


Giannni Infantino, the FIFA President, defends a strongly criticized Neymar since the elimination of Brazil at the Russian World Cup.

Overwhelmingly criticized since Brazil's elimination in the quarter-finals of the 2018 World Cup (against Belgium, 2-1), Neymar can count on the support of the FIFA president. Present this Friday in a press conference in Moscow, Gianni Infantino has returned to the case of the Paris Saint-Germain striker and his famous repetitive dives that annoyed more than one observer during the Russian World Cup. "He's a great player, a great talent," said the boss of the international body. When you're dealing with such talented players, you can not say anything negative and Neymar is one of them. Of course, I think he will show us more of his true talents for football in the future. "

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