2nd EDITION OF THE NIGHT OF THE COMEDIEN, It is from November 29 to December 1, 2018


In favor of the 2th Comedian night edition, the Malian public will have the pleasure of reliving the famous play of Ousmane Sow, entitled: "Louansés" or tenants.

As part of the night of the comedian 2018, this piece that has just undergone a new staging will be played on November 30, 2018 at the Modibo Kéita Stadium stadium. "For this first night, we're going to play on invitation cards. It's an evening that was concocted for the officials, "said Maïmouna Hélène Diarra.

Better, she will say that this evening dedicated to officials will be used to award trophies and certificates to salute the work of the actors. It is planned, according to her, to give four trophies to Malian artists who have been distinguished by their talent and their work to promote the work of Malian comedian. The four trophies are: the fire trophy Bala Moussa Kéita, the late Abdoulaye Diarra, the late Abdoulaye Maïga and the late Professor Gaoussou Diawara.

But the general public must be reassured, the night of December 1, 2018 will be devoted to a great evening at the Palace of Culture of Bamako. "This evening open to the public will be the resumption of the evening of November 30, 2018. All those who make the trip will have the pleasure of seeing the play" louansé "and a performance of the artist King KJ, said Maïmouna Helene Diarra.

And, to support this great initiative, access to the room will be conditioned to a ticket that will cost the modest sum of 2000 FCFA.

May, it must be said that before these two theatrical evenings, the day of Thursday, November 29, 2018, from 9 am, Samba Niaré, playwright and novelist, will animate at the Palace of Culture a conference debate on the theme: "The place of the (comedian) in the peace process in Mali ".

Famous comedians from the sub-region and well appreciated by the Malian public could be involved in this 2th edition. But the main organizer did not want to go too far because it all depends on a question of resource mobilization. "We have planned to invite famous comedians from the subregion into our budget, but we have to say that we do not have the resources yet for that. We are counting on good will to complete our budget and ensure a quality participation to comedians from the sub-region who will come to celebrate with their Malian counterparts, "she concluded.

Assane Koné, Cultural Journalist

Source: Azalai Express

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