6 years in power: The RUR praises Macky • Rewmi.com


As if to respond to the opposition that draws a very dark picture of his six years in power of President Sall, the Network of Republican Academics (RUR) awards a praiseworthy record of Macky.

In a press conference, the Network of Republican Academics (RUR) claims a "globally very positive" report in six years of presidency of Macky Sall less than four months from the end of his contract with the Senegalese.

In terms of achievements in the field of higher education, Moussa Baldé, President of the Network of Republican Academics (Rur) said: "We all know that our public university was in deep crisis. A crisis she had been dragging for several decades. When President Macky Sall came to power, he immediately initiated a national consultation that resulted in a number of recommendations that resulted in 11 decisions from him. Among its decisions, there was the allocation of 300 billion CFA francs over 5 years to Senegal's public universities. This was to broaden the university map of our country which was focused on the west coast, but also to improve the living conditions of the Research Teachers, technical staff and students. Regarding the expansion of the university map, the 45 Higher Institutes of Professional Education (ISEP) is planned throughout Senegal. There were also the creation of three new universities: the University of Dakar, the University of Kaolack and the University Center of Kolda. This does not include taking charge of social issues, including the Reform of grades, the issue of retirees, the increase in the capacity of public universities and the increase of stock exchanges and the reduction of food vouchers. " Award 18/20 to President Sall.

Students oriented in the Private

On this issue, the coordinator of RUR, also Director General of SODAGRI explains that the public universities of the country could no longer contain all graduates per year. "And, it is the Head of State who took the responsibility to guide students in the private sector. A measure hailed by everyone, "he said. He adds: "For the sake of equity and social justice, the Head of State has made a huge effort and decided that all graduates should be oriented. It is a system that works very well because I know people who have studied in private universities and who work. It is true that there is a debt that the State owes to private institutions, but it is about to be regularized. "So this point should not question this beautiful generous idea to allow all graduates of Senegal to do a higher study," Moussa Baldé suggested.

Karim case

On the findings of the UN Human Rights Committee, "there is no way to reopen Karim Wade's trial," says Moussa Baldé. Before adding: "Personally, I am a little surprised that the United Nations is interested in this situation where we have an accused who has been sentenced for embezzlement of billions, for a country like Senegal, when we just killed a journalist and we still do not hear him on this issue. "

File electoral

As for the opposition's comments on the reliability of the electoral roll, Mr. Baldé said: "We voted in the legislative elections a year ago. There was no file problem. So, there is no electoral file problem in Senegal. We have a mature democracy and the election will be organized properly. The opposition knows it can not attack the president's record. So, she tries to give a bad perception of our democracy, "he says.

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