62% of Cameroonians have access to electricity (World Bank)


"The supply of electric energy has changed slightly over the last three years with 58.1% in 2015, 60.1% in 2016 and 62% in 2017," says the report which APA received a copy Wednesday.

The number of subscribers stood at 1,184,372 customers at the end of 2017, with 99,431 new families and businesses connected to the electricity grid during the reporting period.

With a capacity of 1360 megawatts (MW) of which 998 for Eneo and 362 for other producers, experts believe that the objective of the government to allow all Cameroonians to have access to electricity by 2035, is a big challenge.

In this annual report titled "step by step", Joël Nana Kontchou, Eneo's Managing Director, underlined that "the quality of the electrical service has improved with a considerable level of investment, an overall decrease of the undistributed energies and better availability of production facilities ".

However, he regretted, "disruptions in the North did not reach the target level of service". In total, more than 35 billion CFA francs were invested to improve the supply of electricity throughout Cameroon.

With a demand growth of 4.8% per year, Eneo aims to provide its customers with affordable energy and reliable quality of service, while being a model of governance in Africa.

Subsidiary of the British investment group Actis, Eneo generated a turnover of 291.6 billion CFA francs for a gross operating surplus of 43 483.6 billion CFA francs.

MBOG / id / you / APA

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