Amanda Bevan, Education Specialist at the Bat Conservation Organization, talks about Michigan's big brown bat at the new headquarters of the organization in Pontiac, Thursday, June 29, 2017.
Han Junfu / Detroit Free Press

Public health officials have found nearly two and a half times more rabid bats this year than in 2017 and urge families to take precautions for themselves and their families. pets.

Bats and skunks are the most common carriers of the disease in Michigan The Bureau of Laboratories of the Michi Department of Health and Social Services Gan has identified rabies in 22 bats. two skunks on June 28th. At the same time last year, only nine bats had been identified with the disease.

"Rabies is deadly to humans, we want people to realize that it's very serious," Lynn Sutfin said. "Avoid contact with wild animals as much as possible and have your pets vaccinated against rabies."

Most confirmed infected bats come from Detroit and Lansing metropolitan areas, but infected bats found this year Lower Peninsula, "said veterinarian Dan O. Brien of the Michigan Department of Natural Resources . The two infected skunks came from Oakland County, he said.

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Officials still can not tell if the increase in discoveries of infected animals means a greater prevalence of the disease this year, according to the MNR, the first symptoms of rabies in people can look like other diseases: fever, headache, general weakness and discomfort that may include: a tingling sensation or itching at the site of a bite . These symptoms can last for several days.

Over time, symptoms more specific to brain dysfunction appear and may include sleep disturbances, anxiety, confusion, hallucinations, agitation, partial paralysis, difficulty swallowing and hydrophobia. Once these symptoms appear, the disease is almost always fatal. To date, there are only 13 reported cases of rabies survivors in the world and only two of them have ever received antirabies treatment.

People or pets are exposed to rabies. Other situations that may pose a risk include the presence of a bat in a room with people who do not know if they came in contact with it, for example sleeping people, unattended children or drunk adults. In these cases, it is important to collect the bat for rabies testing, if possible, according to the health authorities.

Animal testing can be done by the Department of Health seven days a week. . If an animal proves to be rabies positive, anyone bitten or scratched will be shot at in an attempt to prevent it from contracting the disease.

"It's not as heavy as it once was, but it's still not pleasant," says O. Brien

Bats are particularly active during the warmer months and it's not uncommon to get them pricked near people's heads on summer evenings, while they're looking for insects in the sky. The health department receives for testing "animals that have been returned because of suspicious behavior", having bitten or scratched a person or pet, or "simply acting erratically, not typical of the behavior animal". recommended special precautions:

If you find a bat in your house, confine it securely or pick it up if possible and contact your local health department to determine if it should be tested for rabies. To catch a bat, wear leather gloves and find a small container such as a box or large box. When the bat lands, bring it slowly and place the container over it. Then slide a piece of cardboard under the container to trap the bat inside

Puncture the small air holes in the cardboard so that the bat can breathe.

More information on the safe collection of a bat Website on the control and prevention of diseases. Those who prefer not to try to catch the bat themselves can contact a bat and wildlife removal service.

Protect your pets by having them vaccinated against rabies. If your pet is bitten or scratched by a wild animal, contact your veterinarian as soon as possible.

Contact Keith Matheny: 313-222-5021 or [email protected]. Follow on Twitter @keithmatheny.

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