Wild Competition Can Harm Small Telecom Operators (Expert)


Posted on
04.07.2018 at 18:18

The wild competition between the various operators may, in the short term, benefit consumers, but at the same time it may cause the failure of small operators, said Wednesday in Dakar, the director of the company TACTIKOM, Pape Gorgui Toure Speaking at the presentation of a study on the impact of new applications on traditional communication tools (Facebook, WhatsApp, Skype, Viber …), he explained that the resources generated by the wild competition do not go to allow neither the renewal nor the increase of the capacities which the operators need to be able to communicate.

This will result in the degradation of the service and the hasty disappearance of the most fragile operators, thus causing a reduction of the competition to "A pot of sorrow"

"You know that from the moment the competition is open, the rates are not not regulated by the state, but there is no real competition, prices will skyrocket. And the consumer will be the first affected, "said the director of the company TACTIKOM, Pape Gorgui Toure.

This is why he called for rethinking the market to control these new applications that" are beyond the control of all actors "and at the same time allow the" delimitation of the relevant markets ".

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