water scarcity continues to gain ground


The water shortage in the suburbs of Dakar is a situation that has lasted for several weeks or even months for some. Precious liquid is scarce or almost non-existent in some areas. And this lack of water has put people in very difficult situations to be able to have water for consumption and to take care of their home.

Water has become scarce. The populations of the sanitary plots, Grand Yoff, and other districts of the suburbs of Dakar have been searching for the precious liquid for several months. Some get up at odd hours to watch for a hint of the precious liquid that will flow from the taps that have remained for months without giving a single taste.

People do not sleep and do not find water. A resident of Parcelles Assainies Unit 9 testifies: " we are forced to fall back on manual or electric pumps to have running water for our households. And for that, we take carts or taxis to help us carry our 20-liter and 10-liter cans.

Thus, these households, after buying water, transport to their homes. However, the cost of this transport is expensive because they can pay up to 2,000F or more. "These are additional expenses that were not included in the household budget. Adds this young woman living in Unit 9.

Others travel miles in search of water. Another person to intervene saying that " we shouted on all the roofs for the water to come back, to no avail. They tell us that the water will come back soon as they are installing public standpipes throughout the neighborhoods to allow people to have water. So the problem is serious, it's just that they do not want to just recognize it.

Indispensable to a household and to life to be much more precise, the lack of water prevents them from sleeping as they please. This is what makes this lady from Unit 12: " we do not sleep and do not have water, please help us. We are no longer like anything, so we are tired of fetching water and carrying it on our heads. "

Interpelled, the Director of SONES decided on this situation by reassuring the populations . In this sense, a communique has been made public which informs that this situation will return to normal by the end of this month.

In the meantime, the populations continue to work hard and hope to the time soon the water will be back and the women will rest, and take care of other things.

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