Former Sierra Leonean Vice President Arrested for Bribery


Francis Ben Kaifala, the new commissioner of the anti-corruption body, told reporters in the capital Freetown on Thursday that Foh was arrested along with Minkailu Mansaray, a former minister of mines.

Foh and Mansaray who worked for the government of Ernest Bai Koroma were allegedly involved in a scandal of misappropriation of funds to help poor Muslims perform their hajj in Mecca.

The arrest of the two personalities of the former regime took place last Tuesday, one day before the government publishes an explosive report on the financial situation of the country under Koroma.

Mansary was the head of the Hajj Committee set up to facilitate the allocation of funds to pilgrims deserving. Foh was responsible for overseeing the management of funds estimated at $ 80,000.

The Anti-Corruption Committee (ACC), chaired by current Minister David Francis, recommended the creation of a commission of inquiry in charge of investigating all former officials pinned by the report

Despite its many mineral resources, Sierra Leone is one of the poorest countries in the world. According to the Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), published in 2013, more than 77.5% of the population of Sierra Leone is affected by multidimensional poverty.

In an interview exclusive address to the African Press Agency on April 30, 2017 in Dakar, Mr. Bio, the current President deplored the inability of Sierra Leone to enforce its laws aimed at preventing and combating corruption.

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