HUNGER STRIKE THIANTAS- Now everyone eats and drinks at the Mac Thies …


The eight Thiantacones … (named after the disciples of Serigne Cheikh Béthio Thioune) who had started a hunger strike to demand the opening of their trial related to double murder on the people of Bara Sow and Ababacar Diagne) … have returned to better feelings.

They have, in fact, put an end to their diet, as confirmed by a source based at the House arrest and correction Thies where they languish for 6 years 2 months. The source is, all the same, little talkative about the reasons that pushed "Sheikh Faye" and its fans to give up their initiative, but it specifies that everything was done without conditions.

For the record, at Mac Thiès, currently, as part of the tragedy of Medinatoul Salam, 16 talibés of the Sheikh. Eight of them, including Serigne Khadim Seck, Aly Diouf, Demba Kébé, Massamba Fall, Moussa Dièye, Pape Ndiaye, Mouhamed Sene and Mamadou Guèye, had not found it relevant to take part in this diet.

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