Water management: Me Massokhna Kane "worried" for the tender for the renewal of the concession


The renewal process of the Concession in charge of water management was invited to the grand jury this Sunday. Indeed, Me Massokhna Kane who was the guest of Mamadou Ibra Kane expressed concern about the tender which was launched.

The black dress thinks that the Sde has already proved itself and showed, he says, "his level of incompetence, that she can no longer handle the water issue." And for that, he says to himself "convinced that there are stronger and better than the Sde to manage the water and put the populations out of danger".

"I am rather worried for this call for tenders for the renewal of the concession. We have not been informed. However, associations for the defense of consumer rights have the right to be associated with this competition ", he immediately regrets.

According to him," when we listen to the speech of the Sde, we feel that she is very sure of herself. She even talks about having the merit of creating with the State and the Sones, reports that make it 98% satisfactory. I do not think that the distribution and management of water has been satisfactory at this level. Far from it. "

Me Massokhna Kane argues that the competition is done in the rules of art. "What we want is that there is a fair competition where really the best wins. But, we must not do as a passive renewal that formalized through a disguised tender, "he says.

According to him, for the moment," he There is no transparency. It seems like it's going in camera. The state has an interest in making things visible and public so that we can give our point of view. "

Ousmane THIANE (Trainee-Actusen.sn)

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