130 billion for the viability of Senegalese local authorities


Speaking at the National Conference on Spatial Planning and Attractiveness, the French Ambassador to Senegal indicated that these funds are intended to finance the Program of Support to Communities and Agglomerations of Senegal ( PACASEN).

The latter should first allow the direct placement of local government resources so that they can finance their development projects and then target some 123 communes that will benefit from additional financial resources after having respected a certain number of performance criteria.

Continuing, the diplomat informed that PACASEN also aims to build the capacity of local agents to allow communities to be more autonomous, stronger and more able to carry projects. investment to meet user needs.

In addition, he welcomed the cooperation dynamic between his country and Senegal which is the first destination of French communities in twinning cooperation.

"I am very happy that with the Ministry of Local Governance we have been able to carry out the program that allows the joint financing, each year, of 463 000 euros of the best development project between two local authorities (French and Senegalese) ", he concluded.

" PACASEN is not a project of the World Bank, but funding from the government program that will be paid into the national budget. Most of the Program's resources will go directly to the beneficiary Territorial Communities, "added Louise Cord, Director of Operations at the World Bank in Senegal.

She emphasized that the said supports two key dimensions of the implementation of the program. Act III. On the one hand, it aims to improve the level and allocation of financial resources of local authorities. And, on the other, it aims to strengthen the capacity and performance of the Territorial Communities to manage these resources in a transparent and inclusive way.

More specifically, the PACASEN will firstly allow a significant increase in the resources of the Territorial Communities. Throughout the program, the overall allocation of State transfers to all the Territorial Communities will increase.

"Thus, for the 130 Territorial Communities targeted by the Program, on a pilot basis, PACASEN will support a system of incentives and support that will enable them to access additional resources for local public investments through conditional allocations based on pre-established performance criteria, "continued Ms Cord, noting that PACASEN will also allow a redesign of the transfer mechanisms of the State to make them more efficient in order to reach the Commons in need

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