The Khalifa SALL and Karim WADE cases in the spotlight


'' ECOWAS observes Demba Kandji '' title at La Cloche. Demba Kandji is the first president of the Dakar Court of Appeal.

The bell that illustrates his picture of the mayor of Dakar all in white with a hand raised, announces the opening this morning of the appeal of Khalifa Sall sentenced on March 30 in first instance to five years in prison for "fraud with public money, forgery and use of forgery in administrative documents complicity in forgery of commercial writing"

The opening of the trial of the chief magistrate of the capital before the Dakar Court of Appeals comes at a time when the Court of Justice of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) that he was not entitled to a fair trial at first instance.

The Community court seised by the counsel for Khalifa Sall found in particular that during the proceedings, '' the right to counsel, the right to the presumption of innocence and to a fair trial had been violated ''.

'' Khalifa Sall in Waiting Room '' is the headline on the front page of the newspaper Sud Quotidien.

"Demba Kandji in the face of the decision of ECOWAS", mentions the newspaper L'AS with a photo of the president of the Dakar Court of Appeal.

Le Quotidien newspaper also At its head: '' ECOWAS at the helm. '' The publication also reports on the addition of the judgment of the ECOWAS Court of Justice to the record of the mayor of the Dakar.

rejection of Karim Wade's inscription on the electoral lists of the declared candidate of the Senegalese Democratic Party (PDS), made the front page of some newspapers that do not hesitate to speak of "'politico-judicial crisis''.

[19659002] This is so with the daily newspaper Tribune, which has its headline: "Karim and Khalifa cut their last cards."

The son of former president Abdoulaye Wade, candidate of the main party of opposition, had its registration on the electoral rolls rejected because of a condemnation for unlawful enrichment.

But '' Karim Wade is indeed eligible '', according to the Witness who takes again in his head, remarks of one of the lawyers of the son of the former president of the Republic , Abdoulaye Wade

Speaking of Sall and Wade affairs, the newspaper Enquête estimates that the state is '' between the hammer and the anvil ''. This daily illustrates this title of a photo montage with Karim Wade, Khalifa Sall and President Macky Sall, visibly pensive.

The Sun announces the enactment of the law amending the Electoral Code following the introduction of citizen sponsorship.

"Amendment of the Electoral Code to Adapt it to Sponsorship: The President enacted the Law", reports to his "Une Le Soleil" which publishes the entire text of the law revising the Electoral Code. [19659002]

The Observer is interested in the strategies underway within the presidential movement to ensure its leader, Macky Sall, a victory in the presidential election next February in the first round.

"Macky commits the mortal Kombat," according to the newspaper, referring to "a new president's war plan for his re-election in 2019."

Far from political subjects, Walf Quotidien highlights the Universal Health Cover (CMU) and title: '' Health cover on the brink of death ''.

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