412 microfinance institutions licensed to practice in Cameroon


(Invest in Cameroon) – Finance Minister Louis Paul Motazé (photo) has just released a list of 412 microfinance institutions (EMF) authorized to operate in Cameroon. These structures, which contribute 10% to the financing of the national economy, we learn officially, were 500 in 2015.

In the meantime, many have put the key under the mat, leaving their customers in disarray, because of managerial pitfalls. To consolidate this important sector in the process of financial inclusion, because of the ability of the EMF to intervene in rural areas, the Central African Banking Commission (Cobac) has just put in place a new mechanism regulatory framework governing the microfinance activity

More stringent in terms of control, management, management profile and minimum capital formation, this new mechanism was detailed to the managers of the microfinance institutions of Cemac, gathered the June 26, 2018 in Yaoundé, the Cameroonian capital. The EMFs of the six countries of Cemac have until 1 and January 2020, to comply with them.


] Read also:

27-06-2018 – The microfinance institutions of CEMAC have until January 2020, to comply with the new regulatory framework governing the activity

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