ECOWAS EC Judgment: Human rights defenders lecture Macky SALL


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At a joint press conference held yesterday in Dakar, Me Assane Dioma NDIAYE and her comrades gave a lecture to the State of Senegal

Interpretations of Senegalese human rights defenders on the verdict of the ECOWAS Court of Justice on the Khalifa Sall trial, are like a lecture to the authorities of the Republic Yesterday, on the sidelines of a joint press conference, Amnesty Senegal, the Raddho and the League of Senegalese Human Rights (Lsdh) defended arguments from the legal texts to assert the application of the decision of this supranational court, without failing the regime of President Macky Sall that they equate to that of the former President of the Gambia, Yaya Jammeh "Some states are in the process of rep to return by the left hand what they had offered on the right. Yaya Jammeh's regime never wanted to respect the decisions of this ECOWAS Court of Justice. By supporting the decision that the Senegalese state is sovereign, the Senegalese authorities seem to be moving in the direction of not respecting it. This regime has no right to go in the direction of dictatorship, "warns Sadikh Niass, Secretary General of the African Meeting for the Defense of Human Rights (Raddho). In his view, whenever the ECOWAS Court of Justice rendered a decision that was not in favor of the former Gambian President's regime, he not only disputed but even wrote to the court asking for the revision of this decision. One thing that was not possible. This was the case, he argues, of journalist Boubacar Camara, to whom the court had asked for his release for arbitrary detention. "The ECOWAS court is not required to wait for the exhaustion of remedies in national jurisdictions. Those who support this thesis have only to undeceive themselves. It is the state that must implement the decisions rendered by this court, "says the human rights defender.

Along the same lines, Assane Dioma Ndiaye urges the government not to sacrifice the sacrosanct principles. saints of the rule of law. For the president of the Lsdh, the authorities, arguing that it is not the state that has violated the rights of Khalifa Sall but the police, confess their guilt. "It has never been said that the court ordered the release of Khalifa Sall. She claims the reinstatement of the latter in his rights, "he clarifies. "We were lucky to have this court. It can give its opinion on the progress of the current trial ", he replies to those defend the contrary while deploring their position. "It's because the decision benefits an opponent that we try to play with people. Our states must be serious, "he retorted. For his part, Amnesty Senegal Executive Director Seydi Gassama argued that this case goes well beyond Khalifa Sall. According to him, the Prosecutor General at the Dakar Court of Appeal, Lansana Diabé Siby, told the authorities the way out of this case. "Even today's authorities may have an interest in going to the ECOWAS Court of Justice tomorrow. They are either ignorant or ignorant. We do not deserve to have such leaders, "he laments. According to Seydi Gassama, the state will not fail to put pressure on the judge in charge of the case, the first president of the Court of Appeal of Dakar, Demba Kandji. "The statements we hear suggest that there will be pressure from the executive on the judges of the Court of Appeal," said Seydi Gassama, Executive Director of Amnesty. "If the judges of the Court of Appeal ignore this decision, we will be the laughing stock of the world. I hope they will have the courage to get Senegal out of this shame ", finally invites the right of the" hommist ".

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