Unacois Jappo mobilizes and asks Auchan to "clear"


The caravan of the National Union of Traders and Industrialists of Senegal (Unacois-Jappo) was greeted with great pomp in the city of rail. Led by the president of said structure, Idy Thiam, the trade stakeholders have expressed their concerns about the establishment of multinationals including Auchan. "We chose the city of Thiès as part of the fight against Auchan because we know that Thiès is a region where people have always said no to the oppressor.Today, the welcome we have received shows It's clear that Thies is ready to fight this multinational company that is cutting jobs in Senegal, Auchan needs to clear up and that's it, "Thiam said.

"The international retail chains that are present in Senegal, including Auchan, are showing their will to stop Senegalese trade and to call into question the country's economic autonomy." With 1,500 jobs created, Auchan has killed another 7,500 jobs. So, it is necessary that Auchan leaves Senegal, because it is a cancer that will kill our economy little by little, "added the activist, Guy Marius Sagna.

After the stage of Thiès, the caravan will head for Diourbel, Kaolack, Mbour, Dakar etc …

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