(05 Photos) – Accident toll: 03 wounded evacuated urgently to Pikine hospital


On 14/07/2018 at 10:00

Another accident on the toll highway. The tragedy took place this Saturday morning around 6:30 am. A taxi bound for Thiès struck laterally a vehicle carrying chickens. The injured three (03) were urgently evacuated to Pikine Hospital.

The accident happened on the toll road at the garage of the beautiful market gardeners. Driving in excessive speed, l the taxi driver wanted to mortgage the lives of his passengers. One of them escaped with wounds to his head. The two (02) other passengers have head and arm injuries.

According to information from Senego, they were evacuated to the Pikine Hospital by firefighters who took too long to arrive at the scene. As for Taximan, he suffers no scratches. He was arrested by the gendarmes who officiated on the toll road.

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