Work on the Dakar-Saint Louis and Mbour-Fatick-Kaolack toll roads will start in the first quarter of 2019. The announcement is from the regional director of the Road Works and Management Agency (Ageroute) Thiès -Diourbel, Khoult Ndiaye. It was on the sidelines of a regional sensitization development committee that brought together mayors, local elected officials and the state technical services of the region, and chaired by the governor of Thiès, Amadou Sy. According to Mr. Ndiaye, the completion of the Mbour-Fatick-Kaolack highway, 106 km long, is a continuation of the Dakar-Aibd-Sindian-Mbour. "The impact of this motorway is well established, because Senegal's most important traffic is in this central part of the country, which goes from Dakar to the sub-region, via Kaolack, Tamba, Gambia, Mali, Guinea Conakry, etc. So it will improve and secure the movement, but also minimize travel time. It is true that this at a cost, but it will be entirely compensated by the comfort that will have on the speed and the security in the displacement. "
Concerning the other axis denominated" The coastal ", 195 km from Dakar to Saint-Louis, the regional director of Ageroute will note that "it is an axis that will connect us from the Nordic countries with the corridor that goes from Spain, through the Morocco, Mauritania. Which will also be closed with the realization of the bridge of Rosso where the studies are very advanced and where we think to start the works soon ". According to him, "these highways will reinforce corridors, particularly those in Dakar-Bamako and Algiers-Dakar, where there is significant traffic." Also, adds Mr. Ndiaye, "these highways are important in that they regulate much of the road safety, also facilitate the movement and allow people to have alternatives. In addition to the national road, the user will have the opportunity to take the highway to save time, gain comfort and safety because the advantage of highways is that there There are no vehicles that intersect and this greatly improves road safety. Also, motorways allow to mesh more Senegal in terms of highways ". He ends by pleading for the "liberation of the rights of way" so that we "have a clear and definitive idea of the final route that will be retained."
For its part, the governor of Thies, returning on the importance of highway projects, note that "Thies, we must expect every day to see important projects to restructure the area." Especially as "Thiès, home to the International Airport Blaise Diagne (Aibd), it is therefore necessary that we can have new structures for the connectivity of this airport. Already we have Ila Touba and we will have other types of roads that will fully open up the region. And it is in this perspective that "The Coastal" which goes from Dakar to Saint-Louis will, for a large part, concern the region of Thies. Same as Mbour-Fatick-Kaolack Highway. "
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