AMEE encourages industrialists


To encourage industrialists to take the plunge, the agency and the ministry organized a workshop on "Energy Efficiency in Industry: Successful Experiences and Accompanying Devices", in three technical panels.

After building professionals, it was the turn of industrialists (all trades combined) to be invited by the Ministry of Energy, Mines and Sustainable Development and the Moroccan Agency for Energy Efficiency (AMEE). ) at a workshop on "Energy Efficiency in Industry: Successful Experiences and Accompanying Devices"

The workshop, which took place yesterday Monday, July 16th at the headquarters of the department of Aziz Rabbah in Rabat, aimed at pushing industrialists to engage en masse in energy efficiency programs. That is, to move towards a strategic approach that can enable them in the short and medium terms to significantly lower their energy bill. In particular, by eventually becoming the producer of their own energy needs, and even those of other customers, through ONEE to whom they can sell their surplus production. Examples exist. And to push industry to take the plunge, the AMEE and its tutelage organized the workshop in three technical panels, one of which focused on the testimony of industrialists who have already enrolled in an energy efficiency approach . This was the case, among others, of Multisac. The industrial unit, specialized in the manufacture of woven bags made mainly of polypropylene (single or laminated) used in the agricultural sector (cereals, seeds, fertilizers, rice, …), agro-industrial (flours, semolina, pasta, sugar, rice , livestock and poultry feeds) and chemical (detergents, fertilizers), covers 10% of its electricity needs through energy efficiency.

Indeed, with an investment of 5.9 million DH, which will be totally depreciated in 6 years, the company was able to install a photovoltaic solar power plant of 570 Kwc on the roof. To enable manufacturers to know the areas of improvement, a panel was dedicated to the main energy efficiency measures in the industry sector. This was the opportunity for Saïd Mouline's team to spread out the main energy saving measures recommended to manufacturers following energy audits aimed at optimizing their consumption and therefore their bills. Last but not least, to convince the industry and install them in the field of energy efficiency, the AMEE and its tutelage have invited several donors to present their experiences and the range of funding available.

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