Me Alioune Badara CISSE, a companion, neither grateful nor reliable!


Maître Alioune Badara Cissé has always accustomed us to public statements when it comes to challenging His Excellency Macky SALL, President of the Republic, on political subjects and on others concerning the country of In General.

His last outing on the situation in Fatick hides a desire to harm a companion a stone's throw from the presidential election of 2019.

Mediator "Fatick", know that Mr. Macky SALL is not the President of a locality but the President of Senegal as a whole.

Therefore, he does not wait for a public mediation to intervene in one of the cities of the country, especially in Fatick, a place he loves so much and of which he keeps a deep attachment.

Master, through your last outing, you have succeeded in making us doubt, again, a good part of our comrades as to your sincerity in the companionship with the President of the Republic.

As much as we can recognize you as a "father of the RPA", we do not accept a position that makes the whole of the Republic uncomfortable.

Mr. Mediator, do not forget to report to us when you go to St. Louis.
Tell us especially if the Saint-Louis are happy with their son that you are.

Abdou Karim SALL, Departmental Coordinator CCR Pikine

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