Peegasm, a new risky sexual practice


For a long time to restrain yourself from a desire to urinate to have an orgasm … to the toilet. The "peegasm" is the new sexual habit that preoccupies doctors

Like Instagram or Facebook, forums are the scene of more or less surprising phenomena. In recent days, some users extolled the merits of a new sexual practice : the peegasm, neologism born of the contraction of "pee" (for "pee") and gasm (orgasm in English). The principle ? It is a question of restraining a long time from urinating to reach orgasm once in the toilet. On the forum reddit, a user tells his experience: "My girlfriend recently told me that when she refrained from peeing for a while, when going to the bathroom, she often has orgasms [19459005thatshefeelsallthewaydownherspinetoherhead"Theanecdotewasfollowedbythetestimonyofwomenwhohavealreadytestedthistechnique

On the same subject


Despite this cyber-popularity, the "peegasm" is not without risk. Restraining an urge causes stagnation of the urine and the presence of germs of urine in the bladder can promote urinary tract infection. This inflammation, called cystitis is characterized in particular by burns and pain in the lower abdomen.

Another undesirable effect which should dissuade to try the peegasm, the risk of urinary retention with age. This inability to relieve his bladder is exceptional but may require the installation of a urinary catheter. Finally the risk of developing kidney stones is not to be discarded either.

The wearing of panties to sleep, another practice at risk of cystitis

Recently another practice, much more common in women, has been discouraged by infectious diseases. The wearing of panties at night could expose cystitis by promoting the development of bacteria.

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Cystitis: 4 ways to calm them before taking a antibiotic

Cystitis: what can be done before consulting

Cystitis: 4 remedies of grandmother to consult

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