Moustapha Diop flatters Babacar Ngom: "Sedima, it is the typical example of a model of success which makes our pride"


Minister Mustapha Diop, still on tour in the industries, was yesterday at the Sedima. The minister magnified and congratulated Babacar Ngom who managed to build a champion. Moustapha Diop has shown his strong will to assist and support this Senegalese company well known in the country and in the sub region.

Visiting the Sedima, Minister of Industry shouted high and proud of seeing a company 100% Senegalese. "I am particularly happy to be here today at the Sedima, which is a company whose capital is 100% owned by nationals," says Moustapha Diop.

Minister to continue his audience and pays tribute to the founding father. "Sedima is the typical example of a model of social success that is our pride; and that is why I would like to pay a well-deserved tribute to its founder, Mr. Babacar Ngom, who worked tirelessly to build a leading company in the agri-food sector, in Senegal and Africa. " he-stressed

The first industrialist of the country commits the State of Senegal to protect this firm and promises to accompany Sedima. "It is the responsibility of the state, more than in the past, to support it, to help it deal with any threats that could jeopardize the survival of its business, including the fraudulent importation of chicken legs. , the overproduction of flour, "says Moustapha Diop

Almost gone from nothing, 120 chicks and 60 000 CFA franc, Babacar Diop has worked hard to build this industrialist competing with international companies and today it deserves the support provided by the state.
With an annual turnover of 42 billion CFA francs, the company has 600 permanent jobs and 370 temporary jobs. Annual production, distributed in Senegal and throughout the continent, is 42,000,000 chicks of meat and spawn, 450,000 tons of poultry and cattle feed, 250,000 tons of wheat flour, baker's and biscuit flour. [19659003] Jotaynet with Senegal7 by Abdou Khadre Mboup

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