UVS represented at the African Moot Court Competition


Five students from the Virtual University of Senegal (Uvs) have qualified for the next edition of the African Human Rights Moot Court Competition, scheduled from 6 to 11 August 2018 at the University of Ghana, Legon.

The Uvs goes "for the first time" to participate in this contest whose hypothetical case will, for the 2018 edition, focus on "issues related to women's rights and the right to self-determination", stresses the Senegalese higher education institution specializing in distance education.

"During a role-playing game involving the law, several teams of English, Portuguese and French speaking students compete in a plea between the applicants and the defenders ", He says in a statement.

Representatives of the Uvs are master students enrolled in the" pole economic, legal and administrative sciences "(Seja), He states that this competition "is intended to prepare new generations of jurists to plead cases of alleged violations of human rights before the African Court."

"It brings together every year all the law schools of the African continent and rewards the best students simulating a pleading, under the same conditions as the African Court of Human and Peoples' Rights, "the same source added.


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