Health: deficit of dermatologists in Senegal (doctor)


"Today, there are 60 dermatologists in Senegal, a ratio of 1 dermatologist per 300 000 inhabitants. This figure is lower than the World Health Organization standard of 1 dermatologist per 100 000 population, "said Dr. Ndiaye.

He was speaking at the opening, Thursday in Dakar, of the SOSEDEV's first scientific congress attended by "200 health professionals from Senegal, the subregion and the Maghreb". These health professionals are essentially "doctors of different medical specialties, pharmacists, biologists and paramedical agents," said Ndiaye.

According to the patron of Senegalese dermatologists, the objective of this congress is to "To reinforce the cohesion between African dermatologists and to develop the practice of dermatology on black skin which has its specificities but relies notably on Western resources."

For the case of Senegal, it is certainly still to go, said Dr. Ibrahima Ndiaye not without paying a tribute to Professor Bassirou Ndiaye who created in Senegal a "Certificate of specialization in dermatology". In his opinion, this initiative has trained many young people. To better measure the improvement in this area, Mr. Ndiaye recalled that "in 1988, there were only 4 dermatologists in Senegal, a ratio of 1 dermatologist per 3 million inhabitants."

Having found that almost all Senegalese dermatologists practice in Dakar, Dr. Ibrahima Ndiaye recommended his corporation to "organize more to go to the most remote places to do capacity building targeting medical personnel", because, he says "many errors of diagnosis and treatment are made."

He also reviewed the history of this discipline, recalling that the birth of the "dermatological service of Dakar dates from the 50s". He then pointed out that "infectious dermatology, related to microbes is the most common in Senegal especially during wintering."

The Senegalese Society of Dermatology-Venereology (SOSEDEV) is a learned society created in 2008 in Dakar. The main theme of this scientific congress is on systemic diseases while the sub-theme deals with skin cancer.

Scheduled until Saturday, this meeting of reflection and sharing includes in its program workshops on allergy, trichoscopic demoscopy, medical biology, and cosmetology

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