The protest movement of the AMPL turns to the strike of the zeal


Between the day of Wednesday, July 18 and the morning of Friday, July 20, 16 domestic carrier flights were canceled and this is just the beginning. AMPL, the association of airline pilots, denies the term strike. But the growing disturbances suggest the opposite to passengers stranded in European airports or Casablanca. According to a source close to the record, the conclusion of an agreement becomes vital to avoid the amplification of a movement that could plague the high season of the RAM.

Officially, no call to strike was launched by the RAM pilots' union, but the latter are increasingly giving the impression of dragging their feet to make replacements.

On the RAM side, we were told yesterday that the door to negotiations was still open and that an agreement was not excluded before the end of this month. However, it seems clear that the pilots want to end their grievances by multiplying the disturbances during the strategic period of the summer.

In 3 days, 16 canceled flights

With 1 flight canceled Wednesday, 2, Thursday and 5, mid-day of Friday, 16 flights A / R, the disturbances will crescendo to the RAM knowing that in addition to the canceled flights, the delays of an average duration of 3 hours are multiplying since the 1st day of this protest movement initiated by AMPL.

Strike or zeal strike, which is certain that the situation escalates between management and pilots and that if the disturbances which worsen every day are in the long term, this will cause serious consequences on the accounting year of the company.

In the current state of things, we do not do not really know the claims of pilots who complain Exorbitant workload while the RAM speaks of excessive demands of wages and dangerous for the future of the company.

Asked by Médias24, a source of his management admits his dismay by affirming that the situation is still manageable but that depending on the disturbances, the next days will be decisive. The magnitude of the disturbances and the rise in tension seem to justify a posteriori, the president of the RAM whose letter to the pilots leaked from the first day, Wednesday, July 18.

"A strike of zeal more and more followed "

" Since Wednesday, it is noted that more and more commanders and co-pilots are not present in their cockpit at the time of takeoff.The AMPL continues to deny the term strike while in three days, 16 flights could not fly.If this is a coincidence, we must explain it.

"In the past, we had groups of reservists present in airports to compensate for any unavailability of their colleague and ensure scheduled flights. For 3 days, the AMPL has decided to switch to another system of on-call. It asks the pilots to stay at home and to require a minimum of 3 hours to reach the airport where the replacement must be made.

"The planes concerned are therefore grounded 3 hours before being able to take off. In the best case, it causes big delays for passengers who have been waiting for a long time.

"Since AMPL refuses unforeseen flight plan changes and we do not have 200 reserve pilots, we end up more and more with empty cockpits and canceled departures, "says our source to explain the situation.

" Situation still manageable but more and more complicated "

" We get to sensitize the pilots who are not agreement with trade union instructions to drag their feet but some do not dare to publicly disagree. Today, 5 flights have been canceled but if we count the round trip, 10 trips have been canceled.

"Apart from these abrupt cancellations and without notice, we must add 8 to 10 daily flights whose departure is delayed by several hours until the pilots arrive at their workstation.

"Since the beginning of the crisis, we have been trying to negotiate with their union representatives because the growing movement is not beneficial for neither of the parties.

"The management wants to reach an agreement quickly without putting oil on the fire and it should also be noted that the internal mail of President Addou was not intended to leak into the press" , specifies our source who wants to remain optimistic.

On the semantic violence of the terms used in the letter of the president to his staff, our interlocutor answers that it is the "factual" fruit of long months of negotiations without results

"100 new pilots in formation"

"If, as the AMPL says, there was only a problem of under-strength, our planes would be grounded. Which is not the case knowing that our flight program is covered in its entirety. Now, I must admit that the situation would be more comfortable if we had more pilots. "

" In order to lighten the workload of the current pilots, the President sent, at the beginning of his mandate, a hundred or so students to train at ENAC Toulouse. "

" While waiting for them to get their flight license, we must find a compromise because the situation will soon become untenable for the passengers and the company ", concludes our source who adds that the RAM will not be able to work indefinitely under the constant threat of open or disguised strike.

On the eve of this summer weekend of high air traffic, it is hoped that an agreement will be found to ensure replacements at a moment's notice

What is certain, whatever the outcome of the ongoing negotiations, the already damaged image of the RAM really did not need these disturbances at the worst timing of the year .

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