VIDEO. Are ultrasounds on YouTube really effective against mosquitoes?


Illustration of a mosquito – Pixabay

Lemongrass, mosquito net, plug and mosquito bulb: you have tested everything but nothing worked. Mosquitoes continue to keep you awake. So, like more than a million people, you surely searched for the solution on the Internet and came across one of these videos. Their content: ultrasound, these sound waves whose frequency exceeds 20 kHz. If some people do not hear any noise, for others it is unbearable.

If you are in the second category, stop torturing yourself. These videos are totally ineffective. When uploaded to Youtube, videos are compressed and sounds altered. In addition, our speakers and speakers are unable to broadcast real ultrasound. And even if the mosquitoes heard these noises, no study proves that they react when they hear it. For this summer, prefer the mosquito net or the repellent!

>> To read also. Toulouse: Against mosquitoes, bats fly to the rescue of the inhabitants

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