Bac-Linguère: 50 admitted automatically, 171 eligible to Albouy Ndiaye center


XALIMANEWS: Fifty candidates have been declared admitted to the general baccalaureate at the Center Alboury Ndiaye of Linguère where 171 other candidates will undergo the tests of the second round.

The center Alboury Ndiaye of Linguère which published its first results Saturday totaled 618 candidates divided between two juries (727 and 728).

In jury 727, the series recorded 16 admitted automatically and 56 eligible out of a total of 176 candidates.

L2 series has 8 admitted ex officio and 47 candidates received in the second round out of a total of 135.

The jury 728 groups the L2 and S2 series.

The L2 series counts 16 admitted ex officio and 46 admitted in the second round out of a total of 186.

The series S2 records 10 admitted and 22 admitted to the second round out of a total of 121 candidates.

These results' 'are not satisfactory' ', according to the head of center, Katy Diouf, also headmaster of the high school Alboury Ndiaye, who points to the "disturbances noted during the year including strikes and strikes teachers".

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