Brics Summit: facing Trump's trade war


 (gd) Meeting of Brics Foreign Ministers (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa), 4 June 2018 in Pretoria before the Summit of Leaders 25/26 and 27 July in Johannesburg / AFP / Archives

(gd) Meeting of Brics Foreign Ministers (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa), 4 June 2018 in Pretoria before the Summit of Leaders on 25, 26 and 27 July in Johannesburg / AFP / Archives

The "trade war" declared by Donald Trump will be at the center of the meeting of the heads of the Brics (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa), who meet for their annual summit from Wednesday to Friday in Johannesburg.

Officially, this 10th summit – in the presence of Russian Presidents Vladimir Putin, Chinese Xi Jinping, Brazilian Michel Temer, South African Cyril Ramaphosa and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi- – will discuss the "Collaboration for inclusive growth and a shared prosperity. "

But denouncing in June the" protectionism "of the United States that" undermines global growth ", the emerging powers have already set the tone.

" The specificity of the summit " of Johannesburg, it is "the context" in which it stands, explained last week the Russian Minister of the Economy, Maxime Orechkine.

"We are at a time when the United States and China announce almost every week new measures. It's a trade war, "he added." Trade-related trade talks are particularly important for coordinating our positions. "

In recent months, US President Donald Trump has declared war on his The main commercial rivals, Beijing, Brussels and Moscow in the lead, he made "enemies."

In addition to Brics leaders, many heads of state, including Turkish Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Rwandan Paul Kagame, Angolan Joao Lourenço, Ugandan Yoweri Museveni are expected.


After tariffs on steel and aluminum are mainly against China, the United States now threatens to overtax European car imports, to punish countries that trade with Iran and to punitively tax all Chinese imports.

The United States in 2017 showed a trade deficit of 376 billion dollars with Beijing. [19659004] In return, China denounced Washington's desire to unleash "the worst trade war in history" and retaliated by taxing new US products.

In this context, China called for a strengthening of the

"This year, the Johannesburg summit is of particular importance with regard to the cooperation of the Brics given the new circumstances," said Xi Jinping Tuesday, during a visit to the Brics. State in South Africa

– Rapprochement –

Launched in 2009, the forum of five emerging countries, which bring together more than 40% of the planet's population, attempts to counterbalance the rules of the economic game written by the

The trade conflict between the United States and their partners threatens "global growth" in the short term, warned the International Monetary Fund (IMF) last week.

It harms in particular "to all the members d "Brics", who suddenly have "a collective interest in promoting trade" between them, confirms Sreeram Chaulia, Dean of the Jinda School of International Relations in India.

This expert cites as an example the response of the European Union (EU) which has signed a preferential free trade agreement with Japan in retaliation for US policy.

"Plurilateral trade agreements in the context of associations of countries such as Brics have become increasingly important in view of the selfish, and ultimately short-term, trade barriers put in place by the United States", also estimates Kenneth Creamer, economist at the South African University of the Witwatersrand

For its part, Russia sees in this trade war a good reason to develop trade in national currencies between the countries of the Brics.

"In all the countries of the Brics, it is becoming increasingly clear that we have to move actively towards non-dollar trade," said Maxime Orechkin.

Turkey was invited as President of the Organization Islamic Cooperation (OIC). Erdogan, a supporter of Syrian rebels, is expected to take advantage of his presence in Johannesburg to meet Putin, ally of the regime of Bashar al-Assad

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