An open heart – Aliou Cissé, mane in the wind is loose


In an interview with Senego's Intelligences Magazine, national coach Aliou Cissé returned to many aspects of his team, his players, the game played, prospects and the CAN 2019 that is looming in Cameroon, described as "a major goal for Senegalese football".

National Team: " Our football is coming of age, the best is yet to come."

I prefer, if you allow me, to share a feeling, rather than a note. Many expressed their pleasant surprise when they saw the Senegal team express themselves during this World Cup. To that, I can only rejoice. This is a group that has been evolving for almost 3 years, and that stores each season a little more experience. We have shown solid, relevant and attractive arguments for the many. Nevertheless, there remains a bit of bitterness for not being able to show more promptness at times. High competition is also a matter of details. We must move forward on these aspects to be even better. But we are not too far away.

Rage to win at the Aliou Cissé

The rage to win is not that of Aliou Cissé. The 23 players present at this World Cup, as all the members of the Lair (Federal, Ministry, Stewards, Body
Medical, the team of the BIP) are people driven by a limitless determination. Our players are proud ambassadors and lived by a real desire to see the colors of our country. Their commitment has always been total and unlimited. They are also my pride.

Engaged football: " our football evolves without being distorted"

Our football is evolving without being distorted. Engagement is not incompatible with the game. We play with our strengths and characteristics. It's about finding the best match between the two. We have players capable of making differences, and a collective device capable of neutralizing many systems. Of engagement, we necessarily have, but we do not have that that

"Sadio Mané belongs to this dimension of players unpredictable and able to make differences at any time"

Sadio Mané, at the same time as his teammates, gave the best of himself. He went to the service of the collective, and that's what I ask every player in the Lair. What's important for him and for me is that the team goes forward and gets good results. Individual performance can fluctuate with many parameters. It has not escaped anyone that he played this year a number of consistent matches. He's coming out of a Champions League final. This shows a game time above average. Nevertheless, it was a formidable threat for our opponents, who had to deploy devices to try to neutralize it, allowing other players to express themselves better. This is also a great player. Being able to attract attention in the interest of the collective

Your question includes his answer, you have joined Sadio, to a list of known, recognized and indisputable players. I do not have to comment further. It belongs to this dimension of players unpredictable and able to make differences at any time, by gestures of genius.

To yield to the pressure: "my choices, it is the only pressure that makes sense for me.

My choices are dictated by the imperatives of results and performance of my team, whatever the situations. It's the only pressure that makes sense to me. Baldé Keita, like all the players aligned during our campaign, corresponds to strategic choices. There were 23 players capable of playing at any time and this is also the strength of a collective and that's the strength of the Senegal team.

Elimination of African teams: «we We must continue our efforts, because no fatalism should dissuade us from this ambition. "

The question deserves more than a simple answer. From an arithmetic point of view, the African continent should be as well represented in number as the other continents. This would allow for a more homogeneous and rational distribution at the scale of this competition. From a performance point of view, each nation must make its own diagnosis. The realities of Senegal are not those of other African countries, and vice versa. It is too easy to generalize, and I will not go into this type of comment. Like all Africans, I aspire for the continent to one day see one of its representatives raise the supreme title. We are getting closer to this day. We must continue our efforts, because no fatalism should dissuade us from this ambition.

Future: "I do not get up every morning thinking about it"

Do you really think it's my future which is important? I do not get up in the morning thinking about my future but rather that of the team. As everyone knows, there is a contract running until 2019. Things will be mentioned if necessary in due course. The next deadline is the African Cup of Nations scheduled in Cameroon. Many observers already present Senegal as the favorite of this competition. Will this competition be the rendezvous not to be missed? Obviously, the next CAN, is a major goal
for Senegalese football. The playoff phase will resume in September. It is important to us to obtain the best results and to inscribe the country among the holders of the title.

Extract of Intelligences Magazine

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