The Synpics Section of the APS in order of battle


Workers in the Synpics section of the Senegalese News Agency (APS) are in order of battle. Bamba Kassé, General Secretary of the Synpics Section of the said box and his colleagues filed a strike notice. They denounce the "mismanagement" of the Director-General.

They demand, in a communiqué received at the editorial office of, the taking of urgent measures by the Directorate General, to save the structure. The piss-copies also denounce "the mode of management that imperils day by day the first public information agency in French-speaking Africa, today in agony."

"Since January, and the decision Head of State in the Council of Ministers '' to accelerate the process of modernization of the APS '' only the Directorate of the Parapublic Sector of the Ministry of Finance is active, through a subcommittee interministerial, to make this directive a reality. The technical supervision, apart from two contact meetings, has so far taken no action in the sense of shortening the suffering of the workers, "they lament.

Still to believe the press release , "The situation of the APS is characterized by cut off telephone lines, a recurring Internet problem, a lack of medical care for workers with the suspension of budget allocations, a third-party debt that increases day by day, at the point of a bank of the place a, this week committed a bailiff for the purpose of an inventory of material to seize. This will be the height! On the financial and accounting side, the lack of resources is challenging the staff to collect their salaries in the very near future. "

Based on this premise, the workers of the Aps adopted, at an Assembly general information, "a motion of no confidence against the general direction."

They thus call for the taking over of their concerns by the Head of State and the Head of his Government.

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