Spy balloon (or almost) | Science-Press Agency


This is a chip called NFC ( Near Field Communication or, in French Near Field Communication). It is a short-range wireless communication technology, implanted for years in multiple objects … including balloons produced by Adidas, and including precisely the balloons used for the World Cup. What the company is boasting about itself

The goal is to allow a user with a compatible phone to "connect" to the chip and receive information "about the product, the competitions, the content Adidas football "According to the company, this is just" passive "information, ie we can not receive real-time information on the status of the ball, its position or its slightest displacements … Both Bloomberg and CNN have interviewed cybersecurity experts on this subject, who claim that using this chip as a spy material would not only be improbable but impractical, as it would require steps to to pass from the owner of the balloon (install a software to modify the functions of the chip) that the "receiver": the phone connected to the ball should be very close. It seems that this time, the balloon was indeed a simple balloon.

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