The politician of the decade is … a woman!


The magazine GQ has just unveiled its list of Men of the Year 2018. And Christiane Taubira is the place of man, or rather woman, policy of the decade!

True to its tradition, the magazine GQ celebrates the men who have marked the year 2018. Among them, Mike Horn, sacred best adventurer, Didier Deschamps, elected best manager, or Vincent Lacoste, sacred best actor. Malik Bentalha and Orelsan won the titles of best comedian and best musician.

But this year, a little surprise is on the leaderboard. And for good reason, the man of the year, and even of the decade, is … a woman!

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Christiane Taubira, political woman of the decade

"Who would have enough panache and style to embody 'the politician of the decade' A woman, Christiane Taubira, obviously," reads in the magazine that considers in particular the victory of "marriage for all ", as being" the major societal reform of this early century ".

On this occasion, the former Minister of Justice spoke about the evolution of the #MeToo movement. "I think it's a turning point, which is linked to two things: the first is the words of these women who rise so forcefully, these women who openly dare (…), then he there are these technological means that allow unprecedented amplification of a word, "she says. GQ.

And to the question "have you observed more courage in women than in men?", The answer of Christiane Taubira is without appeal: "yes, but it is not genetic! It is cultural, social and historical "To get where we are is because we have the answer, the road has never been wide open".

And you, Christiane Taubira elected woman politician of the decade, you validate?

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