Jamel Debbouze tells the reaction of his parents to the name of his son Léon


TELEVISION – Choosing the first name of a child is always a source of discussion. And it is not Jamel Debbouze who will say the opposite. Interviewed this Sunday, November 25 in the show "Seven to eight" on TF1, he has particularly confided on his family life.

In this portrait entitled "Jamel, the adventure of a father", the comedian of 43 years has returned to the choice of first names of his children. The couple he trained for 10 years with the journalist Mélissa Theuriau welcomed a boy, Léon, in 2008. A surname that the actor chose "out of love" for his wife whose grandfather was sick at the time . "He was in a bad situation by the time Leon arrived and it was natural," he says.

Yet this name did not immediately win the support of the actor's parents. "My mother, it jostled because she actually told me: 'You will call him Leon every day ?!', he says imitating. "My father, he said to me: 'Leon, it's very beautiful! Personally, I will call him Ali ', "he continues with humor.

However, Jamel Debbouze does not deny his Moroccan origins at all. "A lot of people thought I was somehow betraying who I was," says the actor who chose Ali as a middle name for his eldest son.

The presenter of "Marrakesh of Laughter" made the same choice for his daughter Lila (born in 2011) who has two other names: Fatima and Brigitte (the names of the moms of Jamel Debbouze and Mélissa Theuriau). "It's also a way of telling them, be proud! You are several inside, "concludes the comedian.

This article was originally published on The HuffPost France.

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