BASKET – Inauguration of its center yesterday: Nba Academy Africa officially takes up residence in Saly


Nba Academy Africa yesterday inaugurated its training center based in Saly Portudal. A jewel in the heart of Mbour.

Nba Academy Africa yesterday inaugurated its training center based in Saly Portudal, Mbour. Located within the walls of the Diambars Institute, the infrastructure is made up of two Nba standard basketball courts with brand new wooden floors, billboards and changing rooms for the different boarders.
The center also has dormitories for residents of 24 for the first year. But also classrooms, one of the priorities of the center.
Present at the ceremony, the Minister of Sports to "magnify the excellent work done by Amadou Gallo Fall. People have come to recognize your commitment. " And Matar Ba to salute the beautiful collaboration between the different disciplines. "After football and basketball, why not handball tomorrow in these premises. This is how sport can develop. We are ready to accompany all initiatives of this kind. It's an overall job. This work tool must be maintained. You will not be alone in this project and we are quite open to the interest of basketball, "said the minister.
The president of Fiba-Africa, Hamane Niang, wanted to appreciate the efforts made by the Nba in Africa and especially in a basketball country, like Senegal. To the young boarders of the Academy, the boss of African basketball wanted to remind them of the opportunity offered to them. What their elders could not have during their career.
Mark Tatum, NBA Deputy Commissioner, echoed the same by sending a message to the young residents asking them to seize the opportunity offered to them to live their passion to the full.
In his capacity as host, Diambars President Saër Seck, extended his sincere congratulations to the President of Nba Africa whom he describes as "visionary".
Very pleased with the opening of this jewel of the orange ball and to celebrate this "historic day", Amadou Gallo Fall, Vice President NBA, thanked all the actors who made the project possible. "Our goal is to enable our young people to assert themselves and to have their place on the international scene. As such, we are pleased to see that three young people have already had opportunities in American universities, "said Mr. Fall, who gave a brief summary of the various campaigns in which the residents had to participate during the year .
Among the other personalities present yesterday, there is the president of the Senegalese Basketball Federation, Me Babacar Ndiaye, the former international and pivot of the Dallas Marvericks, Desagana Diop, the former "King of the Arena" and native of Mbour, Serigne Dia Bombardier, wrestler Zoss, local authorities, but also, former residents of Seed Academy and the parents of the players. The latter were treated to an exhibition game of the residents of Seed Academy.

Nba Africa Game: Dakar ready to host the 4th edition
Minister of Sports Matar Ba, expressed the willingness and availability of the President of the Republic to host the fourth edition of the Nba Africa Game, scheduled for next August in Dakar. The event is expected to take place in the new Dakar Arena. "It would be an honor to host this great event which I had the honor to attend in Johannesburg during the first edition. We have just inaugurated the Dakar Arena and this infrastructure can accommodate this basketball family, "said the minister.
An announcement very much appreciated by the president of Nba Africa. The latter promises to continue discussions with the Senegalese authorities for the arrangements to be made to allow Senegal and especially the basketball family to host such an event in Dakar.

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