Algeria Telecom: an information system maintenance operation Thursday


Algeria Telecom said Monday that a maintenance operation of its information system is scheduled for Thursday, November 29, 2018, resulting in the temporary suspension of a number of services.

For this purpose, specifies the public company in a statement to the attention of its customers, the operations of payment of the telephone bills and reload Internet (ADSL / 4G LTE / WIFI) will be suspended during the period of the operation of maintenance .

For Khlas, Edahabia and Satim services, the 1500 voice server and the LTE service, reloading will be suspended from 29 November from 00h00 until the evening of 30 November.

By implementing a new solution, Algérie Télécom aims to "improve the customer experience, enrich its product range and respond with offers that are more fluid and more adapted to the expectations of its customers, because customer satisfaction remains the center of concerns of our company, "the statement added.

While apologizing to its customers for the inconvenience caused by this procedure, Algeria Telecom invites the public for more information to visit the website or to contact its web advisors on its Facebook page.

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