Senegal still stands up to Westerners


It is not tomorrow that Senegal will promote homosexuality. This is the speech delivered by the Senegalese delegation headed by the Minister of Justice, Pr Ismaïla Madior Fall during the last edition of the Universal Periodic Review (Epu).

This session, which took place from 5 to 9 November 2018 in Geneva, Switzerland, enabled the UN working group to make 256 recommendations, some of which advocated the amendment of the Family Code in order to incorporate certain provisions, notably into regarding the right of homosexuals.

But, Senegal has rejected 28 points that were proposed to him, said Pr Fall, who chaired Monday, a restitution workshop. And precisely, among those rejected points was this one on the right of gays.

"It is in a frank and cordial speech that the Senegalese authorities present at this meeting have reached a clear position on this issue for the populations by solemnly declaring that the Senegalese society is not ready to promote homosexuality", a- he informed.

Thus, after President Macky Sall, it is around his Minister of Justice to strongly reject the integration of homosexuality in the Family Code.

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